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Storage Unit Organization: Preparation, Tips, and More

Organizing your storage unit keeps your items in good shape and makes finding them much easier. Discover the best organization tips from our storage experts.

When Was Cardboard Invented & By Who?

Cardboard is so familiar we rarely give it a second thought. Stop & Stor explains who invented cardboard and how the invention of cardboard changed our world.

How to Store Vinyl Records

Timelessly nostalgic vinyl records can last 100 years if preserved properly. Here are tips for how to store vinyl albums with your favorite music.

How Does Self Storage Work?

Not sure how self-storage units work? Stop & Stor breaks it all down when it comes to placing your belongings in storage.

Best Boxes and Plastic Totes for Moving and Storage

What’s better for moving and storage - cardboard boxes or plastic bins? Our storage experts are here to help you make the right choice.

8 Attic Storage Tips

Is your attic a mess and in need of serious organizational help? Stop & Stor offers attic storage solutions to help you make sense of the chaos.

How to Store & Preserve Newspapers

Proper newspaper storage is vital to preserve important articles for the future. Here is how to preserve newspaper clippings that matter to you.

8 Benefits of Climate Controlled Storage

Safeguard temperature-sensitive items with climate-controlled storage units. Explore the benefits and secure your valuables with Stop & Stor today!

What You Need When Renting a Storage Unit: Hassle-Free Tips for Success

If you are ready to rent a storage unit, here is exactly what you will need to secure the rental in one of our immaculate facilities.